Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I applaud Debra Trahan

SouthCoast Blogger would like to stand up and applaud Debra Trahan!

***stands up and applauds loudly***

Today ran THIS article about Mrs. Trahan. Oddly enough SouthCoastBlogger has had her own website since 2001. I developed an online business in order to stay home and raise my children. My little business has made national news and my products are an actual brand on (how stinking cool is that?).

Over the years I have become increasingly frustrated that the City and Chamber of Commerce do not recognize what I like to call "the silent workforce", or all those people wo have embraced the internet and carved out a strong, stable, and profitable business.

In June I called Mayor Lang's office. I told his secretary that I would like to speak with the Mayor about some of the very real problems online entreprenuers on the SouthCoast are facing. The secretary told me that the Mayor just "doesn't take random phone calls" from the public, but she would be happy to schedule and appointment for me. More than 3 months later I am still waiting for her to schedule that meeting. I won't hold my breath.

Next I set my eyes on the Chamber of Commerce. I spoke with Mr. Nascimento himself. Total kudos for taking my call (Mr. Lang you may want to take notes on that). I explained that I was frustrated no one on the SouthCoast is here to support online businesses. I explained that there are some very real issues facing us, such as the Remote Sales Tax that could put me out of business overnight. I explained that the Chamber is so "Brick & Mortar" oriented. They do nothing to court or support the hundreds of online businesses that reside on the SouthCoast.

Mr. Nascimento was very kind and listened to all of my concerns and agreed the Chamber needs to move forward and somehow embrace the growing online community. It is after all the future.

Again, I'm not holding my breath.

So imagine my excitment when I read how Mrs. Trahan has carved out a little online business purchasing and re-selling domain names! Her creativity and entreprenuerial spirit is a shining example of the online businesses that exist on the SouthCoast today.

I personally make clothing, boutique hairbows, boutique toys, and nursery art. The guy down the street from me makes custom guitars. I know others who make decor from fish netting, others who make pottery and on and on .

Those upset with Mrs. Trahan are stuck in the stone ages. Don't worry, you are not alone. Mr. Lang and the Chamber of Commerce are there with you!

- SouthCoast Blogger

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